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Academy Primary School 194 Listooder Road Saintfield Ballynahinch

P1 had a Doctor come to visit.

16th Jan 2020

The doctor uses this to check our ears.
The doctor uses this to check our ears.
She uses this little hammer for checking our reflexes.
She uses this little hammer for checking our reflexes.
She checks to see if we have a temperature..we might have a bug.
She checks to see if we have a temperature..we might have a bug.
We learned about what the parts of our body does. We stuck the body parts in the correct position.
We learned about what the parts of our body does. We stuck the body parts in the correct position.
She had a jar of wee and a jar of poo!! They were really apple juice and Christmas pudding.
She had a jar of wee and a jar of poo!! They were really apple juice and Christmas pudding.
We all got to listen to our hearts and breathing with a real stethoscope.
We all got to listen to our hearts and breathing with a real stethoscope.
Dr Chapman did an experiment to show how germs spread..
Dr Chapman did an experiment to show how germs spread..
The 'germs' spread to 4 was really glitter.
The 'germs' spread to 4 was really glitter.
We made our own doctors bags with lots of equipment in it.,
We made our own doctors bags with lots of equipment in it.,